The first step in managing drugs and alcohol at work is to develop and implement a formal workplace drug and alcohol policy. Your policy will clearly define your organisation’s approach to managing drugs and alcohol at work and lay out expectations around compliance.
But what good is the policy if your workers do not know about it or understand what it means for them? Or if your management team are aware of the policy but unsure of their role or lack confidence implementing it? In fact, a policy which isn’t regularly discussed, trained or communicated leaves a business legally exposed.
Which brings us to step two in managing drugs and alcohol at your workplace - the provision of ongoing education and training focused on:
Raising Awareness of policy; health and safety implications of alcohol and other drug use and how to comply – across all levels in your organisation
Building Skills needed to manage workplace drug and alcohol related issues among the staff expected to implement the policy
If you have a drug and alcohol policy but have not clearly communicated it to your staff. Or if it has been a while since you educated your workforce about your drug and alcohol policy and their role within in, then 2021 might be the year to get onto it.
With face to face, online, eLearning, toolbox talk and print material available, DASA can make this happen for you. Get in touch to find out more –