Authorised Persons: Sample Scripts
Important Information for Authorised Persons to note
> Failure to use the correct words may jeopardise the success of any future prosecution.
> The sample scripts provided below may be used when testing, or if a Rail Safety Worker (RSW) refuses a test.
> Refer to your Rail Transport Operator’s DAMP to identify procedures for testing, including procedures for refusal or failure to submit to testing, and documenting any refusals.
Script for requiring a RSW to wait to undergo D&A testing.
I am an authorised person authorised under the Rail Safety National Law to conduct D&A testing. Here is my ID card.
I require you to wait here for the purpose of undergoing D&A testing.
If you refuse, it is an offence under the Rail Safety National Law. Do you understand?
Script for requiring a RSW to undergo breath testing.
I require you to undergo a breath test in accordance with the Rail Safety National Law for the purpose of indicating the concentration of alcohol present in your breath or blood.
I now direct you to provide a sample of breath.
If you refuse, it is an offence under the Rail Safety National Law. Do you understand?
Script for requiring a RSW with a non-negative breath test result to attend a police station for breath analysis
You have undergone a breath test by an approved device and this indicates that there may be present in your blood the prescribed amount of alcohol.
I require you to accompany me to the police station to undergo breath analysis.
If you refuse, it is an offence under the Rail Safety National Law. Do you understand?
Script for requiring a RSW with a non-negative breath test result to remain at a police station for breath analysis
In accordance with the Rail Safety National Law, I direct you to remain at the police station until the breath analysis has been conducted and you have received a certificate of analysis.
If you refuse, it is an offence under the Rail Safety National Law. Do you understand?
Note: The authorised person must show their ID card to the police, and request that they conduct the breath analysis under the Rail Safety National Law.
Script for requiring a RSW to undergo urine testing.
I require you to undergo a urine test which involves providing a sample of urine in accordance with the Rail Safety National Law.
I now direct you to provide a sample of urine.
If you refuse, it is an offence under the Rail Safety National Law. Do you understand?
Script for when a RSW is refusing to undergo urine testing.
You have refused (or failed) to undergo a urine test in accordance with my directions.
Do you understand that it is an offence under the Rail Safety National Law, if you refuse (or fail) to comply with my direction, which can be subject to prosecution?
If a urine test is not underlaken, as directed, I will be reporting the refusal (or failure) to comply to management, and you may also be subject to disciplinary action.
Do you understand?
I again direct you to provide a sample of urine.
Script for when a RSW is refusing to undergo breath testing.
You have refused (or failed) to undergo a breath test by an approved device in accordance with my directions.
Do you understand that it is an offence under the Rail Safety National Law if you refuse (or fail) to comply with my direction, which can be subject to prosecution?
If a breath test is not undertaken, as directed, I will be reporting the refusal (or failure) to comply to management, and you may also be subject to disciplinary action.
Do you understand?
I again direct you to provide a sample of breath.
Script for when a RSW is refusing to attend a police station for breath analysis.
It is an offence under the Rail Safety National Law to refuse to comply with a direction from an authorised person for the purposes of breath testing and you could be fined as a consequence.
Do you understand?
I again direct you to attend a police station with me for the purpose of submitting to a breath analysis.