We are now very much on the downhill stretch for Christmas. But before we can slip on our thongs, slop on a Santa hat or slap on a barbie, we have to make it through the next 2 weeks. These weeks are typically the busiest weeks of the year – at work and at home.
For many companies, demand peaks at this time of year. It is often a time when project deadlines are due, objectives are reviewed and we wrap things up before going on leave. Outside of work, we are busily preparing for Christmas, attending end of year school activities and getting together with friends and family....or busily avoiding one or more of the above!
All of which means that at this time of year we have a greater tendency to rush, to be distracted and to feel stressed. We may also see an increase in alcohol consumption and drug use as a means of heightening enjoyment or as a way to cope.
In the workplace then these next 2 weeks more than ever are a time to reinforce the safety message. Remind your workers to slow down, take care, avoid shortcuts and look after one another so that we can all get home to our families this Christmas.
DASA (Drug and Alcohol Solutions Australia) is proud to be leading the way in workplace drug and alcohol services throughout Australia. Whether your need is for workplace drug testing and workplace alcohol testing, advice on drug and alcohol policy or ideas on how to communicate your workplace expectations, policies and procedures to your staff, DASA can help. We have the experience, technical expertise and people to lead you to the right solution.