An update to the standard that governs urine drug testing in workplaces was released at the end of last year. The updated standard, ASNZS4308 (2023), will eventually replace the previous 2008 edition, however there is a 3-year transition period where both standards remain valid. Here’s what you need to know.
Key Changes
Onsite testing has been incorporated into the main body of the standard, rather than as an appendix, recognising its central importance to workplace testing.
There is an increased requirement for informed consent, in line with the oral fluids standard.
The cut-off level for cocaine has been lowered.
Testing for Oxycodone is an optional inclusion.
Changes have been made to the verification and quality assurance requirements of the testing devices.
Because the revision includes a change to one of the cut-off levels, a new urine drug testing device is required. It will take some time for a device to be developed and accredited. In addition, the cut-off change requires an adjustment to the laboratory confirmation process. For these reasons, implementation of the updated standard is unlikely to occur until early to mid-2024.
At DASA, we are using this time to prepare for the transition and suggest if urine drug testing is part of your company’s drug and alcohol program, you consider the following in preparation for the transition:
The move to the 2023 urine testing standard is a perfect time to review your drug and alcohol policy.
As an absolute minimum, we suggest the following:
Any references to the date of the current urine standard (ie 2008) should be removed. We suggest the use of “ASNZS4308 and subsequent editions” rather than inserting 2023.
If you have included the table from the Standard which shows the cutoffs, it will need to reflect the lower cutoff for cocaine. Generally, however, we suggest deletion of this table and the inclusion of a sentence that indicates that the testing will comply with ASNZS4308 and subsequent editions and will utilise testing devices that are compliant with the standard.
Consider if your testing program will include the optional drug class of Oxycodone.
Our Scientific Director, John DeMellow, is a member of the ASNZS4308 review committee. As such, John is well positioned to answer any questions you may have about the updated standard and how to best apply it to your drug and alcohol program.
To find out more, get in touch via info@dasa.net.au or call John on 1300 230 231.
DASA (Drug and Alcohol Solutions Australia) is proud to be leading the way in workplace drug and alcohol testing services throughout Australia. Whether your need is for workplace drug and workplace alcohol testing, advice on drug and alcohol policy or ideas on how to communicate your workplace expectations, policies and procedures to your staff, DASA can help. We have the experience, technical expertise and people to lead you to the right solution.